Kiss Of Danger (Janessa and Jasper) Page 3
If this is the way he wants it to go down…
Spinning around, Jasper drove one of his fists straight through the glass, causing it to shatter into a million pieces and fly in all sorts of directions. He reached down on the inside of the car, and flipped the button to unlock the driver side door.
“What in the hell, Jasper?!” Alex screamed out in anger and shock that he had just drove his hand straight through his window. “Why did you do that for?!”
“Because you wouldn’t open the door.”
Retrieving his hand from the inside of the car, Jasper grabbed onto the handle on the outside of the door, and pulled it wide open. He maintained the same ferocity in his eyes as he narrowed them on him.
“So…I am going to have to do it myself.”
His hands grabbed onto the collar of Alex’s top, and yanked him out of the vehicle, showing him little to no mercy at all. Turning his back to face the vehicle, Jasper tossed Alex’s body on the ground. He looked down at his hand that had went through the glass but found no sign of damage done to it at all.
You are damn lucky that you are not like a normal man, Jasper. His conscience spoke with both seriousness and sarcasm. If you had been like the idiot on the ground, you would be bleeding with shards of the glass all over the back of your hand right now.
That is why I chose to break the window in the first place. I possess the ability to not get wounds so easily.
What are you preparing to do with him now that you have him on the ground where you want him?
I am going to make his decision to come after Janessa and me to be the biggest mistake of his life.
Jasper narrowed his eyes on his prey as he moved towards him. He popped his knuckles by only simply flexing his hands in just the right positions.
“Come on, J-Jasper.” Alex whined out as he slowly crawled backwards on his butt and hands to get away from him. “Can’t we just push this under the bridge, and move on?”
“The only way that this is moving on…is with you knocked out cold in the back of an ambulance.” He spoke with true hatred in his voice. “I will get pleasure in knowing that Janessa and I will be able to enjoy each other’s company when I get you out of the picture.”
His body registered a sharp pain to one of his legs in the calf area. His eyes looked down only to discover the handle of a knife in his calf, deeply. Jasper looked back, and found his heart dropping from the sight of Janessa’s ex moving to where he had left her inside of the parked Chevelle.
“Holy shit!”
Janessa wasted little time in hurrying out a side of the vehicle that she was closest to, and stumbling her way to her feet.
“I got you now, Janessa.” Alex spoke with his deathly intent noticeable in his accent. “Now…Your new boy toy can’t save you.”
Glancing over to where she had last seen where Jasper standing off with her ex, her eyes found him to be struggling to pull a dagger that Alex had put in his leg out of his body to get at him again.
I believe it is safe to say that you are on your own with this fight, Janessa.
The statement her conscience made only solidified the moment. She was on her own, and wouldn’t have anyone helping her at all.
Realizing that she had to do something to keep herself, as well as Jasper, safe, Janessa balled up one of her fists as tightly as she could, and drove it into her ex-boyfriend’s gut. Her ears listened to the sound of Alex groaning out as she watched him begin to crumble, and fall down to one knee.
“You stupid bitch-“
“Actually, I think that I am quite smart for doing what I just did.” Janessa responded with quick, honest thinking. “You are the one that is stupid for thinking that you can come out here, and intimidate me anymore.”
She moved away from him, and managed to head in Jasper’s direction before his hands had a chance to grab at her ankles. Her dress flew about, wildly, as she ran across the lawn. Bringing herself down on her knees in front of a knelt Jasper, she focused on his face with her panic for him rising to the surface.
“I will be all right, darling.” Jasper attempted to keep his pain beneath the deep southern accent, but noticed how it had risen despite his wishes. “If you can just help me removed the dagger out of my leg, I will be able to finish him off, and get him out of our lives for good.”
What does he mean by that, Janessa? Her conscience started to question his choice of words he had used. You don’t suppose that he is going to…
At this point, I don’t’ fucking care what he does to Alex anymore. Janessa spoke with a firm tone to her conscience as one of her hands moved onto the handle of the dagger that was protruding out from his leg. I want to be rid of that asshole more than ever before!
It is not like you to wish the end of someone’s life, Janessa. What has brought this side out in you?
I believe that I have always had it in me, but that it took witnessing Alex harming someone that I care a lot for to really make me upset enough to wish for death to fall upon him.
Do you really want Alex to die?
With all of my heart.
There was nothing more that she wanted then to watch the life of the very person who had caused her so much pain and suffering to leave his body, and exit her life.
Holding a firm grip on the handle, Janessa pulled it towards her. Her hand made sure that the blade didn’t tear at his skin, and make the wound any bigger than what it already was. A sigh of relief escaped from his mouth once it was out of his body before her eyes looked to the wound that the weapon had left behind .
Slowly seeping out the torn jeans that were covering his legs, a white liquid with the same consistency of blood started to ooze into sight in a small amount.
What in the hell…is that?!
Janessa took notice just like her conscience had of the mysterious fluid coming out of the wound. She looked to his face in time to see that a look of guilt and uneasiness danced across his face.
A cry left her mouth due to the sensation of someone pulling on her hair from behind, and forcing her to stand on her feet. With a faint sign of tears coming down her cheeks, she focused her attention towards the right side of her to see Alex there, glaring at her.
“Before I finish off your potential new boyfriend,” Alex whispered with dark intent, “I am going to feed you to the gators.”
Her heart dropped to her stomach upon catching what her former flame had said to her. She took a moment to cat a glimpse of Jasper moving his feet before body was being rushed around a side of his home to the back of it.
Fueled by a desire to make Alex suffer for his wish to end Janessa’s life, Jasper wasted little time running towards a side of his grandmother’s home. His eyes started to change color, becoming less human and more of an alligator’s stare. The clothing on his body started to stretch, and rip, exposing his soft, fair complexion to be coming hard and appearing to possess scales dancing cross him from the top of his head all the way down to his feet inside of his shoes.
Jasper, you have to control yourself right now or otherwise you will be unable to stop the change! His conscience pleaded to him with a n overwhelming sense of urgency pouring out of it. If you don’t’ stop yourself right now…the change will take over you, and-
If you haven’t noticed…I have already started the change. Jasper’s once deep, southern accent had been replaced with a fierce, animalistic growl. I have already started the process of becoming my other self.
You have to stop this before you go too far, and lash out.
Reaching the back of his grandmother’s cabin, his eyes fell upon Janessa struggling underneath Alex’s grip. Her body fought to get away, but the hand of her ex-boyfriend had an iron clad grip on the back of her head.
I cannot stand by, and have that asshole hurt her for a second longer.
Your rage will consume you, and make it impossible for you to back down fro
It has already taken over every party of my body. There is only one thing that is on my mind right now.
I am afraid to ask…but what is on your mind, Jasper?
Tearing Alex Crenshaw’s body into a million pieces, and leaving his body for the others in the area to feed upon.
The suggestion he had made caused a smirk to move across his mouth, revealing his newly formed jagged teeth that were nestled inside of his mouth due to the change his body was going through. He shivered with twisted pleasure at the thought of leaving Alex’s body as food for the other creatures that live in the murky water of the bayou.
“I believe it is time for a little swim, Janessa.”
He snapped himself out of his thoughts the moment he heard what Alex said to his guest with deadly intent oozing from it. His eyes discovered him to be picking Janessa up, and holding her above his head.
“Let me go, Alex!” Janessa pleaded to her ex-boyfriend with tears trickling down her cheeks. “Don’t do this…Please! I beg of you!”
“If I can’t have you…I will not let anyone else get the chance…including Jasper Hill.”
“Jasper! Help me, Jasper!”
The sound of desperation in her voice set the beast loose in him. There would be nothing to stop him once the woman who had shown him feelings no one else ever had cried out for him to save her.
With all of his strength, Jasper rushed towards where Alex stood. His hand reached up, and dragged his newly grown razor sharp claws across his tank top, ripping it off and discarding it to free himself of it. He bent forward and raced at him with tremendous strength.
“Let her go, Alex!” His voice came out of his mouth booming with his own deadly intent for him.
Jasper dove at him as he faced him, and speared him in the gut, sending them both in the swampy waters and leaving Janessa’s body behind on the shoreline of his grandmother’s land. He landed around fifty yards away, but poked his head up enough to where his yellow gaze could be seen in the moonlight.
“Where are you, Jasper?!” Alex screamed out, spitting some of the water out of his mouth. “Come out, and show yourself to me!”
So…He wants to see me…I hope that his life has been a full one because…it ends tonight!
His head moved under the surface before he used his alligator strength and body to rush towards where his stood. Jasper rose up before his body got too close, and wrapped one of his hands around the throat of Janessa’s ex-boyfriend. He turned his back to the shoreline as his right arm lifted him off of his feet.
“Holy shit!” Alex gasped out his words while his eyes looked to him in complete horror. “What the fuck are you?!”
Slowly, Jasper brought him close, and lowered his voice to a whisper that dripped with sinister intent.
“I am the Hotah Holata, and I have come…to end your pathetic life.”
His hand made a quick twist of his neck, causing his body to go limp. He let him go, and watched his body start to slip down into the water, and away from him. Suddenly, Jasper registered a soft female gasp. He remembered something that he had forgotten: Janessa had been left on the shoreline where she could witness the whole thing go down.
A look of both horror and astonishment moved across her face upon capturing the sight of Alex’s body floating in the dark murky water with no sign of life in him. She kept her eyes focused out in the direction as the full moon started to come out from behind a cloud in the sky overhead.
The light from the lunar sun cascaded down upon the upper back of Jasper’s body, revealing that his frame had not only grown stronger but that it had what appeared to be scales all over it.
Janessa…I think this would be the perfect time to get the hell out of here. Her conscience whispered to her, suggesting for her to get out of there. If you don’t want to become like Alex, you need to get your ass out of this place.
Despite the statements that her conscience had made to her, Janessa couldn’t move a single muscle in her body. The sight of Jasper’s new form and her ex-boyfriend’s body floating on the surface of the water made her muscles lock up, preventing her from moving in the slightest.
She watched him turn around to face her with the water going up to his waist. Her eyes widened, slightly, more due to him appearing to be now half alligator and half human. Janessa’s heart nearly stopped the moment she captured sight of his other side.
Run for it, Janessa!
I can’t move at all…My body is stuck!
Her mind went into a brief moment of unadulterated panic. Witnessing him no longer appearing like he had been caused her feelings and emotions to heighten and become more fearful of him in a flash.
She focused on his fearsome looking face, and managed to see a look of guilt and sadness starting to wash across it. Her body started to relax, and regain the use of her muscles the instant that her eyes noticed his human side rising to the surface of his scaly face.
“If you want to leave…I will take you back, and you will never see me again.” Jasper’s animalistic voice escaped out of his mouth in a trembling tone with sadness rising to the surface of it. “Everyone that has found out what I am has went running in the other direction, and never saw me again. I suppose…I assumed that you were different, and wouldn’t see me for the hideous monster that others has made me out to be.”
Her heart started to break at seeing him suffering like he was. She couldn’t stand by, and let him disappear into the murky water of the bayou because of her conscience’s wish for her to run away. Slowly, Janessa began to notice her becoming drawn to him, not repulsed by him.
She eased herself into the shallow part of the dark waters that stretched out from the edge of his grandmother’s backyard, and slowly started to move towards his direction. Her body shivered from the water’s cold temperature coursing through her body after her gown was becoming soaked in it, inch by inch.
What are you doing, Janessa?! You need to be running away f him, not going towards him!
She chose to ignore her rational side as she drew closer to him with half of her gown to be drenched at this point in the bayou’s murky water. There was no turning back now for her. Janessa had already crossed the point of no return, and wasn’t looking back.
With the water up to her waist, her body moved to stand in front of his partially clothed form. She looked up to his face with the fear and shock no longer there. Her face only showed the unconditional sensations of a caring and loving that were deep inside of her. Reaching up, Janessa cradled a side of his face with one of her hands as her voice escaped her mouth.
“I don’t plan to go running in the opposite direction of you just because of the way that you look, Jasper.” She spoke with the sincere truth escaping from it. “How can I possibly leave you when you need me so much?”
“Are you saying this from your heart or mind, Janessa?”
“These words come from my heart, Jasper.” Moving her other hand on the opposite side of his face, she maintained the sincerity in her voice. “I don’t’ wish to leave you or be alone tonight.”
Instead of a verbal answer, she received a surprise by him moving his arms around her body, and pulling her against him. For a moment, her body tightened due to the feeling of his scales brushing against her fair complexion. Janessa took in a breath as she looked up to his face before her ears registered the sound of his become becoming more human.
“If it is okay…I would like us to stand out here for a while.” His overwhelming happiness for her decision to stay was evident in his voice, as well as in some tears that were inching out of his yellow eyes. “It would mean a lot to me if we can stand out here in the water, holding each other with the moon shining down upon us both.”
Janessa eased her hands away from his face as she moved herself towards him, and pressed a side of her face against his bare upper body. The soft skin on her cheek relaxed against the scaly skin on his body. She moved her hands to rest on the middle of his back with her p
alms against it. Slowly, her body took notice of his arms moving around her, and his head leaning down to rest against the top of hers.
“I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am, Janessa.”
“There is no other place I would rather be…then right here with you.”
She paid no attention to her dead ex-boyfriend’s body starting to float out in a direction due to the light current in the area. With her arms around Jasper’s humanoid form and the light of the moon shining upon their bodies, Janessa closed her eyes, and stood under a starry night sky with the water of the bayou surrounding her and Jasper, the Hotah Holata of the Bayou.
To be continued…