Kiss Of Danger (Janessa and Jasper) Page 2
I want you to open your eyes, and realize that you are being silly at the moment about holding someone’s hand and giving them a false sense of hope.
What are you-
You know very well what I mean by giving him a false sense of hope, Janessa. The longer you hold his hand, the more he is going to think that you are interested in him and the prospect of something happening between the two of you.
It was in that moment that she realized her conscience had a point. The longer her hand remained within his grasp, the more he would assume that she didn’t have a problem with it.
Before she could pull her hand out of his grasp, Janessa started to notice the Chevelle that had been taking her down the road to be slowing down. She turned her attention towards the direction of the window shield, and looked out it.
On her side of the long stretch of road, a dirt street went away from it and towards the direction of the bayou. A green sign stood beside the road with white letters on it, spelling out ‘Bayou Avenue’.
You are going to be in for it now, Janessa! Her conscience spoke with twisted pleasure upon her eyes noticing where the road was, and what direction it was leading in. If he takes this road…You are going to be so far away from anyone that you will be on your own and have no one to help you except Jasper.
You are the one back at the stoplight that told me that there is no turning back now.
I didn’t expect you to go on what I said! I thought you would have rebelled by now and gotten out!
This is why I shouldn’t listen to you! You don’t give me any good advice-
In the middle of shouting at her conscience, her body bounced without warning due to the Chevelle hitting a bump as it was turning off the paved road and onto the dirt road. Her attention drifted to that moment in time, and found that her body bouncing for a moment had brought her right against his frame. She swallowed a lump down her throat while her eyes caught his to be focusing on hers.
“Apologies, Janessa.” Jaspers poke to her in a calm fashion even though his deep southern accent made it sound more sensual. “I should have told you that the road out to my grandmother’s cabin is not necessarily the smoothest way to travel.”
He fought a smirk that was trying to form on his face. The close proximity of their bodies made it increasingly difficult for him to be able to control the sensual level in his own voice and body language. He couldn’t deny that he was turned on quite a bit from there not being a lot of space between them.
His eyes traveled down her face from her eyes, and caught sight of where her soft, pink lips were barely a couple of inches away from his own. Instantly, Jasper begun to notice how incredibly turned on he was at the moment as he was driving them further on down the dirt road.
Go for it, Jasper. His passionate side of his conscience whispered to him. She is right there in front of you just waiting for you to kiss her.
Don’t do it, Jasper! His rational side screamed at him, trying to regain power of the situation. You only just met her, and you could ruin things if you try to move too quickly.
You must act now before this moment passes you by.
Don’t do something you will regret!
Out of the corner of one of his eyes, Jasper noticed a deer to be treating out onto the road in front of them. He eased his foot down onto the brake, and brought the vehicle to a gentle stop. His eyes never broke contact with hers during the whole time.
I am done with letting moments passing me by. He spoke with a deep, firm tone to both his rational and passionate sides, giving them his answer. All of my life, I have let moments pass me by, and watched other people be happy with someone else as a result of it. Now…I am going to take hold of my own destiny, and make myself happy.
Just a few moments after making his statement, Jasper leaned his head towards hers, and brought his mouth crashing down against hers. He discovered a sensation unlike anything else he had felt before rushing through him once their mouths made contact.
What in the hell are you doing, Jasper?! His conscience panicked upon Jasper going against his wishes, and locking lips with Janessa. You are jeopardizing your chance with her!
Jasper chose to ignore the ranting of his conscience, and succumb to the moment that was at hand. If he backed out now, there was a chance that he would not have another shot with her like the one that had presented itself to him. Nothing was going to stop him from achieving his desires.
Keeping his foot on the brake pedal, his mouth kissed upon hers with upmost tenderness and sensuality. He was careful to not push things too far with her, and cause her any kind of discomfort. Jasper placed a few more soft kisses on her lips before he started to notice that she had started to kiss him back just as tenderly and sensually as he had been kissing her.
It seems that you were wrong with the notion that I have ruined my shot with her.
A faint smirk moved across his mouth as he continued to kiss her. His mouth begun to kiss her a little deeper and passionately. Jasper managed to use his hand that was free to shift the vehicle into park before his hand moved to the small of her back. As a soft moan escaped from his mouth and into hers the same time she started to moan in his mouth, his hand released hers, and slipped onto one of her thighs. The sensation of the light fabric of her gown under his hand fueled his lusts for her.
I won’t move too fast…I want to take my time with her, and show her a night to remember.
Fighting back the arousal in his pants, Jasper pulled his mouth from hers, and gave them a few inches apart. He focused on her closed eyes while his deep voice escaped out with his desires pouring out into it.
“How are you feeling Janessa?”
Janessa took a moment to catch her breath before she started to open her eyes, and focus on where Jasper was sitting beside her in the vehicle with his sexual urge for her pouring out of his gaze despite his best attempt to keep them hidden.
You need to tell him that he can go fuck himself, Janessa! Her conscience screamed out at her, attempting to talk some much needed rational thinking inside of her mind. Tell him that you hate him for forcing you to kiss him, and that you want to go back to town right now!
You should know something about me since you are part of me. Janessa replied to her conscience, silently. I don’t like lying.
What are you saying?
I am saying that I enjoyed the kiss with him…very much actually.
It is the truth, and-
How can you possibly say that you actually liked how he just forced himself on you, and had his hands on you in various areas on your body?!
Very easily since I am being honest and truthful about it.
Believe it…Now…If you will excuse me…I have someone that is awaiting my answer.
Cutting off the link she had with her conscience, Janessa placed all of her focus onto the handsome man that had went out of his way to keep her safe, as well as adored by the way he had kissed her. With her eyes solely focused on his, her southern accent came dripping out of her mouth in her gentle voice.
“I…I am feeling…good right now.”
“Are you sure, Janessa?” Jasper asked, concerned that he had went too far with her. “You can be honest with me, and tell me if I pushed you out of your comfort zone.”
Her heart nearly stopped from hearing the intense amount of worry in his voice. She could tell that he thought she was not being honest, and that bothered her to her core.
“I am being honest with you, Jasper, when I say that I am feeling good about the kiss that we just shared…Really good actually.”
“Well…May I be so bold then to kiss you again?”
Don’t’ you even do it, Janessa! Her rational side defied Janessa’s wish to not continue their conversation, and reopened the line of communication that she had closed between them. You better not let this stranger that you don’t even know that well kiss you again, and have y
ou succumbing his desires.
Choosing to ignore her conscience, Janessa flashed a smile that possessed both sincerity and sweetness in it prior before replying to him in a tone that matched her expressions.
“You may, and I don’t mind for you to kiss me again, Jasper.”
“Well then…”
Her eyes watched his face start to move towards hers from where she was sitting on the passenger side of the Chevelle’s front seat. Holding the smile on her face, Janessa leaned towards him, and brought her mouth colliding against his, gently. She reached up with one of her hands, and cradled his face upon making contact with his lips.
What in the hell are you doing, Janessa?!
What does it look like that I am doing? Janessa asked, choosing to keep the line of communication opened despite her kissing Jasper at the same time. I am kissing Jasper, and he is kissing me back.
This is not the time, and, especially, not the place to be doing this right now!
There is no reason to be concerned.
Oh really? Did you happen to forget about the fact that your former boyfriend is after him for helping you escape him, and after you for breaking up with him?!
I am pretty sure that he is not going to figure out where we are at right now, and that the two of us are completely safe.
You are being really stupid and foolish right now, Janessa.
No, I am not-
Yes, you are! You are throwing away your own safety by letting yourself have a moment of passion with a complete stranger!
She went to answer her conscience back when her ears picked up on the faint sound of a vehicle coming in the direction of where they were parked on the dirt road. The soft sound was enough for her to break the kiss with him, and reveal that her facial features had changed to show a fear that had been under the surface of her face this entire time.
The sensation of Janessa’s soft lips pulling away from his alerted his senses. Realizing that there was something wrong, he eased his eyes open, and found an expression with a mixture of concern and unadulterated fear pouring of it caught his full attention.
“What’s wrong, Janessa?” Jasper asked. His voice dripped with sincere concern after he had captured an expression of terror sweeping across her face, and pouring out of her eyes.
“I…I heard a noise that sounded like a vehicle pulling off the main road, and pulling onto this road.” Janessa replied. Her voice trembled its way out of her mouth. “I…I think we…we better get g-going before we get into any kind of trouble.”
It didn’t take a brain surgeon for him to realize what was going on at that moment. Janessa had been frightened out of the kiss by the sound a vehicle starting down the very road they were parked on at the moment. The sight of her facial expressions showing the true amount of her panic and dread made his heart teetering on the edge of breaking. He didn’t want to see her suffering while she was in his company.
Determined to keep her from being afraid as she was, Jasper moved one of his hands up towards her face and cupped it, gently, caressing her fair complexion with the tip of her several fingers, while he spoke to her in a calm, deep voice.
“You have no reason to be afraid, Janessa. I am here to keep you safe and sound from anyone or anything that might try to harm you.”
“I…I know that you will do what you can to keep me safe, Jasper…but…I am certain that I heard a vehicle start down this road from the main road. What if it’s Alex? What if he got away and-“
“If it’s Alex, I will deal with him, and make him regret deciding to come out this way to track us down.”
“How will you be able to do that? I didn’t see any kind of weapon in here when I first got in your car back in town.”
His body froze upon catching her question his method he planned to use to protect her. There was a dark side to him that he rarely let out but knew that there was a chance he wouldn’t be able to keep it hidden from her no matter what.
“There is something you should know, Janessa.” His voice changed to a more serious and firm tone as he spoke to her. “There is a reason why people from town don’t come out this way to my grandmother’s place unless they are my guests.”
“What’s the reason, Jasper?”
“In the nearby waters of the bayou…lurks a very special kind of creature that shows no mercy to anyone who it deems a threat to itself, to this area, or to someone in need of help.”
“There is no name for it in textbooks, dictionaries, or even on the internet. My grandmother had a special name for them.”
“What is the name, Jasper?”
“They are known as-“
Before he could reveal to her more information about the Hotah Holata that his family tree was a part of, his attention drifted to the sound of a vehicle coming closer to where he had them parked. Jasper turned his head, and looked in the direction of the back window shield.
Pulling up behind his Chevelle, Alex glared at him through the window pane of his front window while he gripped even tighter onto his steering wheel.
Oh shit…its Alex…He found you, Jasper! His conscience started to panic upon the discovery of Janessa’s ex being right behind them. What’s your next move?
My next move…is getting this fight moved out to my grandmother’s home where the land meets with the murky waters of the bayou.
“Jasper…” Janessa broke the momentary silence upon having him take on a new side of himself that both warmed and frightened her to the very core of her being. Her shaky voice gave away how nervous she was. “Jasper…Who is it?”
“It’s Alex.” Turning around, Jasper spoke to her with the same kind of seriousness that he had used a prior moment ago. “I guess I was wrong in thinking that he wouldn’t find us so quickly.”
Alex?! Alex has found you, Janessa! Her conscience went into full blown panic mode upon hearing him in form her that her ex-boyfriend was behind her, and no longer in town at the intersection they had left him at. I knew that lingering here was a bad idea, but you just had to keep kissing him, and not having him get you two out of the open!
Her head started to pound and throb due to the loud voice that her conscience had used to get the point across to her that her decision to stay there and kiss the time away with him had made it easier for Alex to find them. She tried to not show the tiny bit of discomfort that she was under at the moment as her eyes looked over towards him. Her gaze caught him quickly shifting the car’s gear like a professional driver before her voice came out.
“What are you planning to do now, Jasper?”
“I am going to even out the playing field a bit, Janessa, by getting us further into the bayou where the dark waters are on the edge of my grandmother’s property.”
Her body tightened up almost instantly upon catching his response before the take-off of the Chevelle sent her flying backwards against the smooth leather seat that she had been sitting on during the duration of her time there with him. He had told her that a special kind of creature called the bayou home, and it alarmed her that she was being taken to the very spot where they dwelled.
“J-Jasper…Do you think that you can tell me some more about the species of animal that you were saying call the waters of the bayou home?”
“They only call the waters in this part of the bayou home, but yes…I will tell you more about them.”
“What is the name that your grandmother called them?”
“Hotah Holata.”
Janessa took only a brief moment to realize what he just said. The words translated to ‘white alligator’. Confusion and curiosity started to settle in her mind as she started the conversation back up.
“Um, Jasper…Those words mean White Alligator.”
“That is exactly right, Janessa.”
“But…There has not been any report of any kind in town about there being any white alligators out this way before.”
“There have not been any reports for two reasons, Janess
a. The first reason is that my grandmother was a private woman right up to her death, and didn’t like strangers coming onto her land.”
“And what was the second reason?”
Her eyes captured sight of them pulling up to a log cabin on a medium sized piece of land before she took the time to notice a smirk on his face that seemed both charismatic and intimidating.
“No reporter in their right mind is going to come out all this way, and risk their life just so they can get the story of a life time.”
Before another single word could get out of her mouth, Janessa watched Jasper moved out of the driver side door of his Chevelle just as Alex was pulling up in the Oldsmobile, and closed the door back with a great deal of strength and speed, signaling to her that the fight to top any fight she had witnessed in her lifetime was about to take place.
Moving towards the direction of where Alex’s car had pulled up, Jasper grabbed onto the door handle, and gave a tug.
Locked huh? Does he really think that is going to stop me?
He shifted his eyes to the window pane that separated Alex from him, and narrowed his attention on him. His gaze alone was enough to send a deathly chill to the very core of his being, and stop his heart on the spot. Jasper watched Alex’s eyes begin to reveal the fear that had fallen upon Janessa while his voice spoke up with a deep firm sound to it.
“Open…the…door, Alex.” Each word that exited his mouth dripped with the kind of ferocity that an animal looking at its prey trying to hide would possess.
“I am not going to get out of the car just because you want me to!” Alex attempted to sound brave by talking to Jasper in a firm yet high pitched tone. “I will get out of this vehicle when I am good and ready.”
A faint smirk danced across his face upon Janessa’s former love interest flat out refusing to get out of the car. He retrieved his hand from the handle, and proceeded to take a few steps away from it.